2 Brains?
For more info on the Gut-Brain Axis, click here, and use referral id code 22579.
For more info on the Gut-Brain Axis, click here, and use referral id code 22579.
Scientists Discovered A New Human Organ, Possibly The Biggest In Your Body, And Named It ‘Interstitium’
"The paper defines the newly discovered organ as a “fluid-filled space within and between tissues” that spreads throughout the body and can be found nearly everywhere: under the skin, between our organs, around arteries and veins, along the fibrous tissue between muscles, and even around the digestive tract and urinary system."
“Vitamin D3, which is converted into the active form of vitamin D, suppressed protein insolubility in C. elegans and prevented the toxicity caused by human beta-amyloid which is associated with Alzheimer’s disease,” Prof. Lithgow said.
(note it was the "parent" form, Vitamin D3, prior to conversion to the "active" form that provided the benefits observed)
Vitamin D engaged with known longevity genes – it extended median lifespan by 33% and slowed the aging-related misfolding of hundreds of proteins"
“. . . if it’s a more global marker of health or longevity as this paper suggests, that’s a paradigm shift. Now we’re talking about something very different and exciting.”